A House Of Our Own

Feminists can dream, plan, grow, and carry out projects more successfully when they have a place of their own.

As the year starts, at Balance, we have decided to take a significant step and begin raising funds to buy our own house (#UnaCasaPropia).

Una Casa Propia  

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$4' 893, 716.00 MXN faltantes hacia la meta final de 5'000,000.

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Owning a house would mean that we could have a space to build community, and host meetings and events, bringing us closer to achieving our long-term goals. We would no longer have to invest time, money and energy in upkeep and maintenance of spaces that do not belong to us.

But we need your support to raise the rest: $250,000 USD!


50,000 USD


This illustration shows the goal of 50,000 USDbutton that says make a donation





If you’re looking to buy something for you or a friend, take a look at our online store! Each sale brings us closer to our goal.

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